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Benefits of Using Economic Calendar


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A large number of well known financial websites provide economic calendars, updated with the latest economic figures as soon they are announced which always made available for traders.

However, there are some reasons that prompt a trader to use economic calendars; this blog is going to explore some of them and help traders know why they should use it.

First, they must understand that there are good and bad economic calendars; therefore, they must read reviews of economic calendar.

This is an essential part of your daily routine as a good Forex trader, and should always be the very first thing you do before deciding on trade set-ups and trading strategies for your trading day.

Thus, when you are aware of the timing of price sensitive news before it happens enables you to reduce your risk, you are quite well adept in doing trading well.

Nonetheless, as movements in the price of Forex pairs are often greatly influenced by announcements relating to the economies of the particular currencies, you must have a rough idea about it.

Also, be aware that the period immediately ahead of the announcement can often see a lack of direction as the announcement is awaited.

Therefore, you must be updating yourself when you put your money in currency pairs. Nonetheless, due to the importance of the US dollar, announcements specific to the US economy often have an impact across all currencies.

Economic Calendar to Have a Tab on the Events and Announcements

Therefore, when you are trading the US dollars, keep a tab on the important announcements through economic calendar.

The best Forex calendars color code the announcements, indicating how much impact each announcement is likely to have on the particular currencies. Thus, you must know what color means what while interpreting the economic calendar.

Also, as economic announcements most likely drive the markets are coded red, those likely to have a low impact are coded yellow, you must keep this in mind.

Nonetheless, good Forex calendars also show the figure which analysts expect to be announced, and provide a useful explanation of what the figure means and who publishes it.

Know more about Economic Calendar and Economic Events

Notwithstanding what keeping a careful watch on an economic calendar ensures that you as a Forex trader can immediately see which announcements are due in the coming hours and which currencies the announcements are likely to influence. Also, you know how much influence they are likely to have.

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